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What is Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF)?

Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF) is a term used in software development to refer to the smallest set of features that can be delivered to customers that will have value and generate revenue for the business.

An MMF is similar to a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), in that it is focused on delivering the minimum set of features needed to provide value to customers. However, an MMF is typically more specific to a business or project, and is focused on delivering value in terms of revenue or other measurable outcomes.

For example, a software development team working on an e-commerce platform might identify an MMF as the ability to accept payments through credit cards. This feature alone would be enough to allow customers to make purchases on the platform, generating revenue for the business.

The concept of MMF is often used in agile development methodologies, where projects are broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks. By focusing on delivering MMFs, teams can prioritize the most important features and ensure that they are delivering value to customers as quickly as possible. This approach can also help to reduce risk and increase the likelihood of project success.

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